Terms Of Service

  • 1. Before we accept your assignment, we will discuss a six-step process to get us started.

    It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with that process as it will delineate how to proceed with your transaction.

  • 2. We guarantee the full compliance with the instructions you provide, no more and no less.

    If the initial instructions are vague, incomplete or inaccurate, we can’t be held accountable for that. It is your responsibility to make sure that the instructions you provide us are accurate. It is your responsibility to go back and forth with your professor to clarify these if you need to.

  • 3. We will adhere to the general standards of academic rigor.

    We will ensure that your paper is written in correct grammar, the statements of fact are supported by scholarly citations, and that the key claims are supported by robust arguments. We will accommodate reasonable revision requests with regard to the general issues of academic rigor. However, we reserve the right to decline a revision request that goes beyond the basic standards of this nature.

  • 4. Once you receive your completed assignment, all payments are non-refundable.

    You have up to five days of assignment completion to raise any questions or concerns that you may have. If your paper comes back for a revision, Academic Composition will need to determine if we overlooked anything from the original instructions and requirements you presented us. If our writers overlooked any instruction, then the revision is free. Otherwise, there will be a revision charge. In the event that your revision request arrives after the five day time-period, we reserve the right to decline the request.

  • 5. There is NO grade guarantee.

    You are in charge of your course-work and your academic success is only your responsibility.

Contact us now to get started!


Most of our clients have used our services for multiple projects over the years.

Although we are not able to guarantee specific results (e.g., we can’t promise you an A+), we comply with the requirements you provide and guarantee you the principles we outlay in our promise.

The overwhelming majority of our clients receive excellent results, and we are confident that you will, too.

We look forward to building a long-standing working relationship with you. 

Please, get in touch! Send us a message via the form below.