Writing a paper when you hate the subject matter can be a real drain on your mental resources. This means that finishing off your project can take forever and become demoralizing, even when it is fairly short. While there is no way to compel someone to instantly fall in love with a tedious writing project, there are some ways to get the job done more efficiently. For instance, it may help to start writing first thing in the morning. Many famous writers have morning routines that essentially consist of waking and writing, and there is actual science behind this practice. First, the prefrontal cortex is more active in the morning than at any other time of the day. This activity bolsters creativity, and being creative is a boon for anyone who needs to write a piece they cannot stand. It allows you to think around the obstacles and barriers that cause writer’s block and foggy-headedness. Even if you are not a morning person, there is a good chance that you will surprise yourself once you try this tip.
If your project is extensive and you are in a rush, you may feel pressured to push through even when you are exhausted. However, you may be able to boost your productivity by taking what is known as a “coffee nap”. A coffee nap consists of drinking a cup of coffee, (or tea or an energy drink) and laying down for 20 minutes of shut eye. This practice works better than drinking a cup of coffee or taking a nap alone. Caffeine is of a similar shape to adenosine, and so it fits into the same receptors. Adenosine is basically a byproduct of brain activity that plugs into these receptors and causes sleepiness over time, but not if caffeine reaches the receptors first. If you are tired, caffeine will not work as well, as adenosine is likely to be present. Napping for 20 minutes after consuming a caffeinated beverage causes adenosine to dissipate, allowing more space for caffeine to plug into these receptors. You will be left with enhanced brain power and overall energy. Do not sleep for more than 20 minutes though, or you may still feel groggy after napping.If you don’t like consuming caffeine, or if you do not trust yourself to get up during your nap, you could try going for a walk. A 20 – 30 minute walk can help increase cognitive functioning. This is because the impact of one’s feet on the ground can send waves of pressure through the arteries that can change and increase blood flow to the brain. Walking can also relieve some of the stress associated with writing such papers.
While this list of tips is certainly not exhaustive, these can still aid you in surviving a writing project that you simply abhor. Experiment with these and find out what works best for you.